What Happens at a Well-Child Visit?

What Happens at a Well-Child Visit?

Did you know that the American Academy of Pediatrics created a schedule laying out how often children need well-child visits? While older children may require an annual visit, younger children (especially those under one year) require much more frequent care.

Dr. Eiman ElSayed and our team at Pediatric Care of Four Corners know that well-child visits play a big role in preventing diseases, especially those we can prevent with a vaccine, and promoting overall health and wellness.

In this blog, we explore all of the components of a well-child visit and what you can expect when you come to our Davenport, Florida, office for a visit.

What to expect during a well-child visit

Here at Pediatric Care of Four Corners, we provide comprehensive care for your child’s mental and physical well-being. 

Each exam consists of several parts including a review of your child’s family history and personal health history, discussion of any current symptoms, a physical exam, a screening for behavioral conditions, and any needed vaccines.

Review of your child’s health history 

Each well-child visit begins with a review of your child’s personal health history as well as family history. This is important because some conditions run in families. For example, ADHD runs in families. 

Knowing your personal and family health history allows Dr. ElSayed to monitor carefully for the earliest signs of common hereditary disorders.

Discussion of current symptoms and concerns

Your child’s visit provides the perfect opportunity to discuss any concerning symptoms. Whether you’re noticing your child demonstrate symptoms of seasonal allergies, or you’re curious if he’s meeting all his milestones, a well-child visit gives you one-on-one time with Dr. ElSayed to address your concerns.

Concerning symptoms aren’t the only thing you can talk about. You can also discuss your child’s physical activity requirements, sleep health, and general nutrition. 

Physical exam

Another part of your child’s exam is a physical exam. The physical exam starts with a set of vitals, including your child’s height, weight, temperature, and blood pressure. The exam also includes:

  1. An abdominal palpation (to check for any swelling)
  2. A visual inspection of your child’s skin
  3. A hearing exam
  4. A digital vision exam

Depending on your child’s age, they may receive other checks. For example, a newborn receives a head circumference measurement as well as an umbilical cord check to make sure it’s healing properly.

Screening for behavioral conditions

A well-check doesn’t just focus on your child’s physical health. Depending on your child’s age and specific needs, we also conduct evaluations for behavioral conditions or developmental disorders. 

This includes autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and learning disabilities like dyslexia.


Depending on your child’s age, they may need a vaccine or vaccine booster. We follow the immunization guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Is your child due for a well-child visit?

If your child is due for their next visit, request an appointment with Dr. ElSayed by calling us at our Davenport, Florida, office. Or you can request an appointment here via our website.